Advertisement post 25 meters.

Custom-made advertisement post. The height of the metal part of this post is 22.5 meters. The total height of the post, with light boxes is 25 meters.
For us, designing, wind strength calculations, and making all metal parts. Also the anchor group concreted into the foundation is made by us.


Industrial Metal OÜ on saanud toetust Digitaliseerimise Teekaardi toetusmeetmest. Projekti 2021-2027.1.02.24-0140 "Diigiteekaart", mis viiakse läbi perioodil 01.07.2024 - 31.12.2024, eesmärgiks on digitaliseerimise teekaardi koostamine. Toetuse suuruseks on 5 750 eurot, projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.